14. How to useRX4111CE Jump to Top / BottomETM62E-02 Seiko Epson Corporation 296) TBKON, TBKE bitThis function selects the operation time with the main power supply or the operation time with the backup powersupply. The count value is added.Table 24 TBKON, TBKE (Timer Backup ON, Timer Backup/Normal Enable)operation TBKE TBKON DescriptionWrite0 X This setting counts normal mode and backup mode.1 0 This setting counts it at time of normal mode (VDD operation)1 This setting counts it at time of backup mode (VBAT operation)7) TMPIN bitThe timer interrupt output can be assigned to the /INT or FOUT pin. Since it is an OR output with the FOUT setting,please set the FOUT output setting to FSEL 1, 0 = (1, 1) and OFF the frequency output function.Table 25 TMPIN bit (Timer PIN)TMPIN Data DescriptionWrite 0 Assign output to / INT pin1 Assign output to FOUT pin8) TSTP bit (Timer Stop)This bit is used to stop Wake-up timer count down.Table 26 TSTP bit (Timer STOP)TE STOP TBKE TSTP Description1000Writing a 0 to this bit cancels stop status (restartstimer counts down).The reopening value of the countdown is astopping value1 Count stops.1 X TSTP is invalid. and the countdown doesn't stopeven if set in TSTP = 1.1 X X The count stops at the time of the setting of 64 Hz,1 Hz,1/60 Hz.0 X X X It doesn’t start counting