9 Crop the prescan, using the dotted linesurrounding the target as a rough guide.Don’t worry if the scan is slightly skewed.But if the scan is more than 10 degrees or sofrom square, reposition the target and redothe prescan.10 Click Scan RGB to make the final targetscan. SilverFast prompts you to choose alocation, file format, and file name for thescan, as shown:11 Save the scan in TIFF format.We recommend that you include the printerand paper type in the file name. If youprofile multiple printers, or multiple paperson the same printer, you’ll end up with manyscans that look very similar. Including thisinformation in the file name makes it easy toidentify which scan belongs to which paperand printer combination.Once you’ve entered the information, clickSave to start the scan. SilverFast scans thetarget and saves it in the specified location.You’ve completed the scanning process.Now you can return to MonacoEZcolor andbuild the profiles for your scanner andprinter.Building the Scannerand Printer ProfilesThe final part of the profile-building process isloading the target scan into MonacoEZcolor, thennaming, building, and saving the profiles.1 Return to MonacoEZcolor. If necessary, usethe navigation arrows at the lower-right ofthe MonacoEZcolor screen to navigate to thescreen shown below. Then click Load anImage, and load the target scan you createdin the previous section.The target’s file name is displayed below thebutton, as shown:2 Click the right arrow at the lower-rightto proceed.7