15Where to Go for Additional InformationNeed quick help on using your projector? Here's where to look for help:• epson.com/support (U.S.), epson.ca/support (Canada), or latin.epson.com/support (Caribbean)View FAQs (frequently asked questions) and e-mail your questions to Epson technical support 24hours a day.• If you still need help after checking this manual and any other sources listed here, you can use theEpson PrivateLine Support service to get help fast. For details, see "Where to Get Help."Parent topic: Introduction to Your ProjectorRelated referencesWhere to Get Help (U.S. and Canada)Where to Get Help (Latin America)Additional Projector Software and ManualsAfter connecting and setting up the projector, install the projector software as necessary. You may needto install it from a software CD, if included, or download the software and manuals as necessary.You can install the projector software programs listed here and view their manuals for instructions onusing them.Note: If you still need help after checking this manual and the sources listed here, you can use theEpson PrivateLine Support service to get help fast. For details, see "Where to Get Help."Projector software Manual DescriptionEpson ProjectorManagement (Windowsonly)Epson ProjectorManagement OperationGuideLets you monitor and control your projectorthrough the network.You can download the latest software anddocumentation from the Epson web site.Epson iProjection(Windows/Mac)Epson iProjectionOperation Guide(Windows/Mac)Lets you project the computer screens ofusers over a network.You can download the latest software anddocumentation from the Epson web site. Go toepson.com/support (U.S.), epson.ca/support(Canada), or latin.epson.com/support(Caribbean) and select your projector.