User’s Guide UpdatePlease update your User’s Guide with the following information.These page-length settings have been added to your printer:5.5, 7, 17, 14, 8, 6, 4, 3.5, and 3 inches.See “Default-Setting Mode” in Chapter 3 for the groups ofavailable printer features. The page length feature has beendeleted from Group 1 and now appears in a new group(Group 1 Extension). See the following table for a completelist of Group 1 Extension settings.Group 1 Extension SettingsPage length 11, 12, 8.5, 70/6(A4), 5.5, 7, 17, 14, 8, 6, 4,3.5, and 3 inchesChanging Group 1 Extension default settings1. Make sure the printer is turned off.2. To enter the Group 1 Extension default-setting mode, turnon the printer while you hold down the FONT andPAPER FEED buttons. The printer beeps once.3. Load single-sheet or continuous paper. The printer thenautomatically loads the paper and prints a quickreference.Copyright © 1995 by Seiko Epson Corporation. 4004313CO1 -00