Projector Network Settings - Network Menu 134s Network > Network Configuration > Wired LANSetting Options DescriptionIP Settings DHCPIP AddressSubnet MaskGateway AddressSet DHCP to On if your network assignsaddresses automatically; set to Off tomanually enter the network's IPAddress, Subnet Mask, and GatewayAddress using 0 to 255 for each addressfield.Do not use these addresses:,127.x.x.x, 192.0.2.x or through255.255.255.255 (where x is a numberfrom 0 to 255) for IP Address, or through254.255.255.255 for Subnet Mask, and0.0.0.0, 127.x.x.x or through255.255.255.255 for Gateway Address.IP Address Display OnOffSelect whether to display the IP addresson the LAN standby screen.IPv6 Settings Select the IPv6 settings if you want toconnect the projector to the networkusing IPv6:Setting Options DescriptionIPv6 Set to On if you want to connect theprojector to the network using IPv6.IPv6 is supported to monitor and controlthe projector over a network using EpsonWeb Control and PJLink.Auto Configuration Set to On to assign addressesautomatically according to the RouterAdvertisement.Use TemporaryAddressSet to On if you want to use a temporaryIPv6 address.Network Menu - Notifications MenuSettings on the Notifications menu let you receive an email notification if aproblem or warning occurs in the projector.s Network > Network Configuration > Notifications