• Clear, easy-to-read 20- column x 2- line dot matrixto provide customers information at a glance• Vacuum fluorescent display offers wide range ofviewing angles• High-speed data transfer achieved at 115,200 bpsfor the fastest rate available• Easy connectivity to a wide range of EpsonPOS products• Built-in flash memory enables fast download ofcharacters• Available in Epson Cool White and EpsonDark GrayEpsonDM-D110Customer DisplayEpson’s DM-D110 customer display is theperfect solution for providing your customersclear, easy-to-read information, delivered at thefastest data-transfer rate available.Built by the leader in POS technology, Epson’s DM-D110customer display offers a high-resolution, fluorescent20-column x 2-line dot matrix in a wide viewing angle.Its compact design is ideal for restaurants, specialty storesor any retail environment focused on enhancing itscustomer service offerings.Compact Easy-to-readCustomer DisplayClear and easy-to-read charactersThe DM-D110 customer displayfeatures a vacuum fluorescent display.Choose from an extensive charactertable with built-in flash memory foreasy downloading. The DM-D110can be tilted and swiveled to a varietyof angles. Additionally, extendablepole units that attach directly toEpson printers are available for thoseenvironments in which counter spaceis at a premium.Designed for easy integrationWith its pass-through functionality,The DM-D110 is easy to connectwith Epson POS printers or IR termi-nals, and directly connects with yourexisting host terminal (serial port andan external power supply required) forexpanded system flexibility. The printerinterface (based on RS-232) allowsyou to connect both a printer and thedisplay with only one port on the hostcomputer side and only one externalpower supply. This makes it possibleto purchase everything from the samesource for added convenience.Performance and reliabilityyou can count onWith a high-speed data transfer of115,200 bps, the DM-D110 is thefastest in its class. It has extremelylow energy consumption, using onlysix watts of power. It has an MTBFof 20,000 hours, delivering theoutstanding reliability that is criticalto high-volume, customer-friendlybusiness environments. The DM-D110displays bright, clear characters thatwill offer your customers addedconfidence during transactions.