NOTES: To aid in readability, a single space is allowed between hex bytes butis not included in the string.The coax port initialization string is only sent to the printer when youturn the printer on and after printing by the shared parallel port hasoccurred. Host SCS commands and download commands havepriority over the initialization string instructions.To change the initialization string simply input the new commandvalues. The entire old string is automatically erased.To delete the initialization string from the NV memory, simply putnothing between the parentheses.EXAMPLE: &%Z57,1( ) Deletes from NV memory any hex string that hadbeen previously defined for the coax portinitialization stringCOMMAND 60: ASCII PRINTER PROTOCOLSpecifies the type of ASCII printer protocol instructions that the interface willuse when converting from the 3270 coax cable commands. Most EpsonESC/P printers will automatically on power up set this command to agree withthe type of printer In which the interface is installed. If your printer is a laserprinter, this command is invalid.VALUE DESCRlPTlON* 1 Epson ESC/P dot matrix protocol2 HP LaserJet PCL4 laser protocolNOTES: HP LaserJet protocol automatically uses the Roman 8 character setand Epson ESC/P requires that the Code Page 850 character set beselected by the user through front panel selections or DIP switchselections.The HP LaserJet laser protocol supports the ability to specify cartridgefonts by simply including a font ID Command in the document.A change in this command is not active until it is saved to NV memoryusing an ‘&%Z99,0’and the unit is turned off and then on again.When laser protocol is selected, the default for Command 25 changesto the ‘form feed’option.EXAMPLE: &%Z60,2 Selects use of the HP LaserJet PCL4 laser protocolA-22