76Anom-alyType ofanomaly Description Possible causes ActionsnIUSN°E161WarningStops onlyconnectiv-ityNIU SW version isincompatible with UISW version.Once the NIU has beeninstalled, it has been recog-nized an incompatiblesoftware version of the NIU• Call servicenIUHN°E162WarningStops onlyconnectiv-ityNIU unknown - -nIUCN°E163WarningStops onlyconnectiv-ityNIU configuration notvalid- -nIUPN°E164WarningStops onlyconnectiv-ityNo valid PNC and SNfoundPCE1N°125Stops oven Wrong Parameter con-figuration: Appliancewith boiler but withoutlambda probeWrong Parameter configuration: Appliance withboiler but without lambda probe.PdEF Stops oven Memorized defaultparameters corruptedPhysical memory failure Parameters memory corrupted;• Try to switch the oven OFF/ON.• If the problem persists, call service.PFOrN°123One or more Factoryparameters are out ofrangeOne or more Factoryparameter are out of range • Call servicePUOrN°122One or more Userparameters are out ofrangeOne or more User parame-ters are out of range • Call servicePUSrN°120The User parameterscalculated is differentto the stored oneInvalid data on Userparameters • Call servicePFACN°121Stops oven Factory parametersmap corruptedIssue with the SW or withthe HW. • Try to switch the oven OFF/ON.• If the problem persists, call Service.rtc1N°111WarningHACCPwill notfunctionThe communicationbetween the RTC andthe microcontroller isblockedCommunication impossible with internal clock.• Call serviceSbbUN°306Stopsboiler gasBoiler gas fan speedissue • Burner blower motoroverload due to dirt oroxidation;• Other electrical/mechani-cal issue.Burner fan does not reach the desired speed.Call Service.SbCdN°305StopscycleCavity lower gasburner blower speedissue• Burner blower motoroverload due to dirt oroxidation;• Other electrical/mechani-cal issue.Burner fan does not reach desired speed.• Call serviceSbCUN°304Stopscycle/convectionCavity upper gasburner blower speedissue• Burner blower motoroverload due to dirt oroxidation;• Other electrical/mechani-cal issue.Burner fan does not reach desired speed.Ovens with boiler can cook in 100℃ steam mode.To restore full oven functionality call Service.