Electrolux thermaline S90Wall mounted burner rangeThe Electrolux thermaline S90 cooking equipment is designed for the very heavy duty requirements of smallinstitutions, hotels and restaurants. The range consists of a wide choice of modular elements that can beinstalled as individual free-standing or wall mounted units, or assembled into a complete cooking suite.Construction based on an internal stainless steel frame combined with a new plug-connection system ensuresthat individual modules can be solidly connected with a virtually seamless working surface. The modulesdescribed in detail on this sheet have independently controlled open burners and are wall mounted without anybase underneath.EASY TO USE• Different sizes of burners to suitdifferent cooking requirementsfrom rapid boiling to a gentlesimmer process.• Manual gas valves with fixedhigh and low positions allowprecise control of the flameintensity.• Large sized pan support instainless steel with long center finsto allow the use of the largestdown to the smallest pans.• The level of the pan support andthe top of the unit is the same,which means it is possible tomove pans around the surfacewithout lifting (option not availablefor the 10 KW burners).EASY TO MAINTAIN• Removable pan supports, burnerrings and flame ignitioncomponents.• Simply, convenient operationwith highly visible control panelsand knobs.• Gas main valve built in asstandard.EASY ON THE ENVIRONMENT• 98% of the unit is recyclable byweight.• Packing free of toxic substances.