Polyethylene• Outer wrapping• Instructions bagPolypropylene• StrapsPolystyrene foam• Corner protectorsEE..44 JJooiinniinngg AApppplliiaanncceess1. Undo the 4 fixing screws and remove the control panels ofthe appliances (Fig.1A);2. Remove the fixing screw nearest the control panel, fromeach side to be joined (Fig.1B);3. Bring the appliances together and turn the feet to levelthem until the tops match (Fig.1D);4. Turn one of the two plates inside the appliances 180℃(Fig.1C);5. From inside the control panel of the same appliance, jointhem at the front side, screwing one M5x40 Hex Headscrew (supplied) on the opposite insert (Fig.1E);6. From the rear of the appliances, insert the coupling plate(provided) in the side slots on the back panels;7. Secure the plate with two flat head M5 screws provided(Fig.1F).EE..44..11 FFlloooorr FFiixxiinngg ((ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn tthhee aapppplliiaannccee aanndd//oorrmmooddeell))To avoid accidental tipping of built-in half-module appliancesinstalled separately, fix them to the floor carefully following theinstructions enclosed with the corresponding accessory(F206136).EE..44..22 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn OOnn BBrriiddggee,, CCaannttiilleevveerr FFrraammee OOrrCCeemmeenntt PPlliinntthh ((ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn tthhee aapppplliiaannccee aanndd//oorr mmooddeell))Carefully follow the instructions enclosed with the correspond-ing accessory. Follow the instructions supplied with theoptional product chosen.EE..44..33 SSeeaalliinngg GGaappss BBeettwweeeenn AApppplliiaanncceessFollow the instructions supplied with the optional sealing pastepack.EE..55 GGaass,, eelleeccttrriicciittyy aanndd wwaatteerr ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss ((iiffpprreesseenntt,, ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn tthhee aapppplliiaannccee aanndd//oorrmmooddeell))• Any installation work or maintenance to the supply system(gas, electricity and/or water, if present) must only becarried out by the utility company or an authorisedinstallation technician.• Refer to the appliance dataplate for the product code.• See the installation diagram for the type and position ofappliance connections.EE..66 GGaass CCoonnnneeccttiioonnssEE..66..11 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonnCCAAUUTTIIOONNThis appliance is arranged and tested tooperate with G20 gas 20 mbar;To convert it to another type of gas, follow the instructions inE.6.6Conversion to another type of gas paragraph of thissection.EE..66..22 FFuummee eexxhhaauusstt• “A1“ type appliances have to be positioned under anextraction hood to ensure removal of fumes and steamproduced by cooking;(not relevant for Australian standard).For AAUUSSTTRRAALLIIAA: the ventilation must be in accordance withAustralian building codes and kitchen exhaust hoods mustcomply with AS/NZS1668.1 and AS 1668.2.EE..66..33 BBeeffoorree ccoonnnneeccttiinngg1. Make sure the appliance is arranged for the type of gas tobe used.Otherwise, carefully follow the instructions given in E.6.6Conversion to another type of gas paragraph of this section.2. Fit a rapid gas shutoff tap/valve ahead of each appliance.3. Install the tap/valve in an easily accessed place.4. Clean the pipes to remove any dust, dirt or foreign matterwhich could block the supply.The gas supply line must ensure the gas flow necessary forfull operation of all the appliances connected to the system.A supply line with insufficient flow will affect correctoperation of the appliances connected to it.1A1801B1CN7E N9E1E1F1DN7E N9E18