10 Electronic ControlCustom Set™ ElectronicControl FeaturesReplace Air FilterWhen the “REPLACE AIR FILTER” LED is illuminatedyellow, the air fi lter needs to be replaced. The controlwill signal for air filter replacement after 3600 hoursof refrigerator operation. After replacing the air filter,reset the air fi lter timer by pressing the AIR FILTERkey for 3 seconds. The “REPLACE AIR FILTER”LED will be illuminated green for three (3) seconds,confi rming a timer reset.Control LockTo disable the keypads on the control, begin bypressing the CONTROL LOCK key for three secondsuntil “LO” is displayed for 1 second. With the controllocked, when keys are pressed on the control panel,“LO” will be displayed. To unlock the control, press theCONTROL LOCK key for three seconds. The displaywill show “UL” for one second.Power FailThe POWER FAIL indicator light informs you that dueto a power failure, the cabinet temperature exceeded55ºF (13ºC). If the power failure lasted more than one(1) hour, the display alternates between showing thepower failure duration (Hours and DURATION LEDilluminate in the display) and the cabinet temperature(ºF or ºC illuminates) every ½ second. This safetyfeature will aid in determining what food spoilageaction to take.The Power Fail indicator light and duration display canbe turned off by pressing the ALARM OFF key.Door AjarIndicator Power Fail IndicatorAdjust DOWN KeyAdjust UP KeyControl Lock KeyReplace Air FilterIndicatorAir Filter Reset Key Temp Mode Key Alarm Off KeyLO45 °FHI TEMP DURATIONHRSSetting Control LockPower Fail IndicatorResetting Air Filter Alarm