23D - Refrigeration System5. Disconnect cap tube from evaporator.Flush evaporator in same manner ascondenser.CAUTIONDO NOT exceed 150 PSIG.6. Flush cap tube. This is only possible if youhave proper service valve adaptor.CAUTIONDO NOT exceed 300 PSIG.7. Reassemble system.To Use Refrigerant To Flush The System:CAUTIONRefrigerant used for flushing must berecovered into a recovery system. Meteramount of refrigerant used for flushing withyour charging cylinder. DO NOT OVERFILLTHE BAG.1. Disconnect the suction and discharge linesfrom the compressor and remove the filter-drier. Connect process coupling to outletand inlet tube of condenser.2. Connect hose to outlet process couplingand charging cylinder. Connect anotherhose to inlet coupling and recovery system.3. Open charging cylinder and allowrefrigerant to flow through condenser untildischarge into bag is clear.NOTETo flush evaporator and heat exchanger youmust remove evaporator from inside product todisconnect cap tube.4. Disconnect capillary tube from evaporator.Flush evaporator in same manner ascondenser.5. Flush cap tube. This is only possible if youhave proper service valve adaptor.6. Reassemble system.Replacement of compressor and installation offilter-drier must be done in a continuous sequenceso system is exposed to atmosphere no longerthan necessary.All replacement compressors are shipped withrubber plugs in the suction, discharge and processtubes and contain the correct oil charge and aholding charge of inert gas. Compressors have alow-side process tube attached to the compressorshell. A high-side process tube is attached to thefilter-drier.WARNINGDo not operate reciprocating compressorwhen charging liquid refrigerant into systemthrough its process tube.Replacement compressors for refrigerator mayhave an oil cooler even if the original compressordid not. If the product is not equipped for an oilcooler, leave the plastic caps in place and installthe compressor connecting only to the suction anddischarge lines of the new compressor.Before installing the replacement compressorremove the discharge plug and check for the popsound of the inert gas leaving the compressor.If the compressor checks OK, reinstall the plug.Do not remove any of the plugs again until thecompressor is in position and you are ready tobraze the lines.CAUTIONDO NOT use compressor if you do nothear this sound.CAUTIONOn R-134a systems, compressor must NOTbe left open to atmosphere for more than 10minutes to prevent moisture contamination ofoil.NOTEEntirely new compressors have been developedfor use with R-134a and Ester oil refrigerationsystems. Both compressor and electric motorhave been modified. Old compressors intendedfor R-12 refrigerant must not be used for newsystems charged with R-134a.Installing a New Compressor