8 electrolux installationStacking kitA special stacking kit is available throughyour dealer, to enable the mounting ofthe dyer on top of a front loadingwashing machine with cover’s depthbetween 48 and 60 cm.Read carefully the instructions suppliedwith the kit.Electrical connectionThis machine is designed to operate ona 230-240 V, single-phase, 50 Hzsupply. Check that your domesticelectrical installation cantake the maximum load required, alsotaking into account any other appliancesin use.Connect the machine to an earthedsocket, in accordance with currentwiring regulations.Details on mains voltage, type ofcurrent and the fuses required shouldbe taken from the type plate. The typeplate is fitted near the loading aperture(see “Machine description” section).CCAAUUTTIIOONN:: If the appliance is suppliedfrom a cord extension set or electricalportable outlet device, the cord extensionset or electrical portable outlet devicemust be positioned so that it is not subject tosplashing or ingress of moisture.The manufacturer declines anyresponsibility for damage or injurythrough failure to comply with theabove safety precaution. Shouldthe appliance power supply cableneed to be replaced, this must becarried out by our Service Centre.IImmppoorrttaanntt!!TThhee ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy ccaabbllee mmuusstt bbeeaacccceessssiibbllee aafftteerr iinnssttaalllliinngg tthhee mmaacchhiinnee.