ItemModelProjectNameVacuum Packers603353Table Top - ExternalSuction DeviceThe new range of appliances developedfor the vacuum packing of cooked andraw foods can provide the highest qualityand hygiene, in line with everyprofessional kitchen that requires the bestconservation standards. The modeldetailed on this sheet is a vacuumpackaging machine with an externalsuction device.FEATURESV Constructed in stainless steel.V Its compact dimensions and lightweight make it easy to store and to use.V Sealing bar is 435 mm in length.V The control panel is easy to use andallows the user to select the programmode (manual, automatic or for externalsuction), sealing and vacuum time.V Suitable to work both with bags andcontainers.V Two cycle modes: automatic andmanual.- There are nine different levels ofsuction/vacuuming in the automaticcycle, which range from 0 to 45seconds.- The manual cycle requires that thesealing time is set and that the usermanually stop the vacuum processwhen the product has reached thedesired vaccum-packing level.