Electrolux air-o-steamCombi Lengthwise 20 GN 2/1-gasAir-o-steam, the Electrolux convection steamers range, blends tradition with the latest technological researchin order to satisfy the creativity and working requirements of today's professional kitchen. The air-o-steamrange offers a choice of different models available in two levels of operation, providing a high degree ofautomation and an extensive range of accessories. The air-o-steam combis are designed to form completecook&chill systems together with air-o-chill blast chillers/freezers. Therefore, any installation can be tailored tomeet the needs of the caterer. The air-o-steam combis detailed are 4 gas models 20 GN 2/1 with differentfunctional levels and different voltages.OPERATING MODES• Convection cycle (max.300ºC): idealfor meat to be cooked withouthumidity and "au gratin". Inconjunction with the half-powerfunction for all kinds of pastrycooking. The humidity generated bythe food itself can be controlled byair-o-clima for a natural cooking.• Steam cycle (max 130ºC): forproducts that can be cooked in water.Steam cooking respects organolepticproperties of food and reducesweight loss.• Mixed cycle (max. 250ºC): ideal formost kinds of cooking. Impressivereduction of cooking times and foodshrinkage.• Air-o-steam ovens can cook bycontrolling either the cooking time orthe product's core temperature.• Regeneration cycle: it produces thebest humidity conditions for quicklyheating the products to beregenerated (max. 250ºC).• Fan speeds: full, half speed (fordelicate cooking such as for bakingcakes). By using the "hold utility" athird fan speed is available. It works inimpulses (5 seconds of full ventilation,then 120 seconds of inertia) for longand gentle processes as required forlarge pieces of meat. The "holdutility"is also perfect for keeping thefood warm at the end of the cookingcycle.• Low power cycle: for delicatecooking such as for baking cakes.• Eco-delta: temperature inside thecooking cell is higher than the one ofthe food and raises accordingly.• Low temperature cooking(automatic cycle): indicated for largepieces of meat, automatically selectsthe cooking parameters to achievethe lowest weight loss. It featuresARTE (Algorithm for Remaining TimeEstimation).• Hot air cycle with cell breatheropened to evacuate the humidity.• Automatic sequence phases(7 for"version A”, 2 for “version B”).• Break phase: set a time to delay thestart of cooking programmes or toprogramme a break between twocooking cycles (for example to allowrising).• Programme control setting (just for"version A” models): it allows tomemorise, modify and cancel thecooking programs.• Air-o-clean (just for "version A”models): 4 different pre-set cycles toclean the cooking cell, according tothe actual requirements. The cleaningsystem is built-in (no need foradd-ons).• Cell quick cooling: useful whenpassing to a type of cooking thatrequires a lower temperature than theprevious one.