Page 1-800-345-6007Safety Rules and InformationSeRvICe AND MAINTeNANCeSafe Handling of gasoline1. Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other sourcesof ignition.2. Use only approved gasoline containers.3. Never remove the gas cap or add fuel with the enginerunning. Allow the engine to cool before refueling.4. Never fuel the machine indoors.5. Never store the machine or fuel container where there isan open flame, spark, or pilot light such as near a waterheater or other appliance.6. Never fill containers inside a vehicle or on a truck bedwith a plastic bed liner. Always place containers on theground away from your vehicle before filling.7. Remove gas-powered equipment from the truck ortrailer and refuel it on the ground. If this is not possible,then refuel such equipment on a trailer with a portablecontainer, rather than from a gasoline dispenser nozzle.come to a complete stop. Disconnect the spark plugwire and secure the wire away from the spark plug toprevent accidental starting.26. Do not operate the engine in a confined space wheredangerous carbon monoxide fumes can collect.27. Never operate the machine without proper guards,plates, or other safety protective devices in place.28. Use only attachments and accessories approved of bythe manufacturer of the machine.TRANSPORTINg AND STORAge1. Always observe safe refueling and fuel handlingpractices when refueling the unit after transportation orstorage.2. Never store the unit (with fuel) in an enclosed poorlyventilated structure. Fuel vapors can travel to an ignitionsource (such as a furnace, water heater, etc.) and causean explosion. Fuel vapor is also toxic to humans andanimals.3. Always use the hopper handle and built-in wheels tomove the chipper/shredder. Never lift the unit using thefuel tank for support. If the unit must be lifted , alwaysuse at least two people, and always grip the unit securelyusing the front leg and hopper handle.4. Always follow the engine manual instructions for storagepreparations before storing the unit for both short andlong term periods.5. Always follow the engine manual instructions for properstart-up procedures when returning the unit to service.6. Never store the unit or fuel container inside where thereis an open flame or pilot light, such as in a water heater.Allow unit to cool before storing.CHIlDReNTragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to thepresence of children. Children are often attracted to the unitand the operating activity. Never assume that children willremain where you last saw them.1. Keep children out of the work area and under thewatchful care of another responsible adult.2. Be alert and turn unit off if children enter the area.3. Never allow children to operate the unit.eMISSIONS1. Engine exhaust from this product contains chemicalsknown, in certain quantities, to cause cancer, birthdefects, or other reproductive harm.2. Look for the relevant Emissions Durability Period and AirIndex information on the engine emissions label.IgNITION SySTeM1. This spark ignition system complies with Canadian ICES-002.