02 - 2013Statement of Volatility – Dell PowerEdge R720 andR720XDDell PowerEdge R720 and R720XD contain both volatile and non-volatile (NV) components. Volatilecomponents lose their data immediately upon removal of power from the component. Non-volatile componentscontinue to retain their data even after the power has been removed from the component. Components chosenas user-definable configuration options (those not soldered to the motherboard) are not included in the Statementof Volatility. Configuration option information (pertinent to options such as microprocessors, remote accesscontrollers, and storage controllers) is available by component separately. The following NV components arepresent in the PowerEdge R720 and R720XD servers.Item Non-Volatileor VolatileQuantity Reference Designator SizePlanerPCH Internal CMOSRAMNon-Volatile 1 U_PCH 256 BytesBIOS SPI Flash Non-Volatile 1 U_SPI_BIOS 8 MBiDRAC SPI Flash Non-Volatile 1 U_IDRAC_SPI 4 MBBMC EMMC Non-Volatile 1 U_EMMC 4 GBCPU Vcore and VSARegulatorsNon-Volatile 2 U11, U12 4.25 KBSystem CPLD RAM Volatile 1 U_CPLD 1 KBSystem Memory Volatile Up to 12per CPUCPU<2:1>_CH<3:0>_D<2:0> Up to 32GB per DIMMInternal USB Key Non-Volatile Up to 1 N/A Varies (not factoryinstalled)Trusted PlatformModule (TPM)Non-Volatile 1 U_TPM 128 BytesPower SuppliesPSU FW Non-Volatile 1 perPSUVaries by part number Up to 2MB. Varies bypart number8x2.5" BackplaneSEP internal flash Non-Volatile 1 U_SEP Flash:32KB+4KBEEPROM: 1KB