Density done rightThe PowerEdge C5000 3U form factor chassisbuilds on your requirements to do more withless by capturing all-important power-savingfeatures in a highly dense architecture to help youincrease the revenue per square foot in your datacenter.Giving you 4x the density with 75% less to cool,the PowerEdge C5000 chassis utilizes a sharedinfrastructure that is affordable and efficient soyou can offer more compute power, producingone of the most dense hyperscale serverchassis available today. In addition to the 92%efficient hot-plug redundant power supplies, thePowerEdge C5000 chassis has fewer and moreefficient fans, using 1/6th the amount of fans thana traditional 1U.Simplified serviceabilityThe PowerEdge C5000 chassis is easilyserviceable, containing hot-swap power supplies,and server nodes for increased availability.MicroserversPowerEdge C5125 or C5220 microservers areshowcased in the PowerEdge C5000 3U chassis.The PowerEdge C5125 microservers, based onthe AMD® Phenom™ II and Athlon™ II seriesprocessor, meets the demanding needs ofdedicated and Web 2.0 customers by providing upto 12 independent 1-socket server nodes that canbe ordered with as few as 4 nodes to allow you togrow as your customer demand expands.The PowerEdge C5220 microservers are poweredby Intel’s® Xeon™ E3-1200 series processors.The PowerEdge C5220 microserver wasdeveloped for the demands of dedicated andvirtual hosting, CDN, and Web 2.0 applicationswith feature rich requirements.Global services and supportDell’s broad portfolio of planning, implementationand maintenance services can help accelerate yourIT initiatives and grow your business. Dell servicescan be tailored to complement how you manageyour environment. Options include, but are notlimited to, infrastructure consulting services to helpyou optimize your data center, and custom rackintegration.PowerEdge C5000Chassis• 4x the density of traditional1U servers• Shared infrastructure usesless floor space, power andcooling• Hot swap server nodes andpower suppliesPowerEdge C5000 ChassisThe 3U shared infrastructure PowerEdge™ C5000 chassis features maximized density to helpsave space and lower costsHYPERSCALE-INSPIRED DESIGN