Dell DJ DJ Gen 2 Quick Start Manual
Also see for DJ MP3: Quick startUser guideUser manual
NNOOTTIICCEE: Do not connect your Dell DJ to the computer until the instructions promptyou to do so.NNOOTTIICCEE: First charge the battery for at least 2.5 hours and appears on screen .1. Connect the power cable to the AC adapter connector on your travel chargerconnector, and connect the travel charger connector to the Dell DJ as shown. MakeSure the Dell logo is facing upward on the travel charger connector. Then plug theother end of the power cable into a wall outlet.NNOOTTEE: You can still use your Dell DJ when the battery is charging from the ACadapter.NNOOTTIICCEE: To avoid damaging the connector, perform the following step beforepulling the connector out of the Dell DJ.2. After the battery is charged and when removing the travel charger connector, pressthe two buttons on the sides of the travel charger connector to release the self-lockstructure as shown.3. Press and hold the power button for two seconds to turn the Dell DJ on.Dell DJ™ Features1. rewind/skip back button2. back button3. LCD screen4. headphone connector5. lock switch6. power button7. volume buttons8. scroll dial/select9. home button10. fast forward/skip forward button11. play/pause button12. reset button13. dock connectorCAUTION:Before you set up and operate your Dell DJ™, read and follow the safetyinstructions in theProduct Information Guide.CAUTION:While your Dell DJ is robust, do not subject it to excessive forceor impact. This may damage the hard disk drive in your Dell DJ.CAUTION:NNOOTTIICCEE:: Ensure that your Dell DJ is not connected to your computer during thesoftware installation process.NNOOTTIICCEE:: Close all other applications while installing the software.1. Insert theDell DJ™ / Dell Pocket DJ™ Product Software CD into your CD drive.The CD runs automatically, and the installation process begins.If the CDdoes not run automatically :aa Using Windows® Explorer® or the MMyy CCoommppuutteerr icon, navigate to thedrive where you loaded theDell DJ™ / Dell Pocket DJ™ Product Software Double-click sseettuupp..eexxee.2. When the Dell DJ installation screen appears, click OOKK to start the software installationprocess. Follow the instructions on the screen and click OOKK, NNeexxtt,, or YYeess whenprompted.NNOOTTEE:: The software may determine that you have a newer version ofMusicmatch® already on your computer. If so, you will be asked whether or notyou would like to continue installing Musicmatch from the CD. Make your selectionto proceed.If you select "Yes", the installation process will continue. SSeelleecctt ""YYeess"" iiff yyoouu iinntteenndd ttoouussee MMuussiiccmmaattcchh wwiitthh yyoouurr DDeellll DDJJ.If you select "No", you will be asked to confirm the selection. Select "Yes" to quit theinstallation.3. After the software installation is complete, a message appears asking if you want torestart your computer now or later. Select YYeess to restart your computer immediately orNNoo if you will restart you computer later.NNOOTTEE: The software is not enabled until after you restart your computer.1Install Software22345 781011691312Charge the Battery and Turn On the Dell DJ11 2w w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m3PPrreessss aanndd hhoolldd tthhee ppoowweerr bbuuttttoonnffoorr 22 sseeccoonnddssPPrreessss ssiiddee bbuuttttoonnssttoo rreelleeaasseeCCoonnnneecctt tthhee AACC aaddaapptteerrTTrraavveell CChhaarrggeerrccoonnnneeccttoorrDo not store or use in areas outside of this temperature range:0ºC - 40ºC or 32ºF - 104ºF.Doing so may cause your player to slow down or lock up.5.25 X 8.5_Mingus template15_r010.qxd 13/02/1950 19:25 Page 1 |
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