Dell Projectors1200MP, 2400MP,3400MP and 5100MPGreat things come in small packages,and they keep getting better.Whether for business, education or personal use, Dell™ projectors offer great performance at an affordable price. Theyare packed with the latest technology and include all the extras as standard, so you have everything you need to get upand running, right out of the box – custom-fitted hard-foam carrying case*, remote control and data/video cables.Deliver bright, clear imagesDell projectors use advanced DLP™ (Digital Light Processing®) technology from Texas Instruments to achieve greatpicture quality in a small and light form factor. They combine consistent brightness and high contrast ratios to produceclear, sharp video and text images. With integrated digital keystone correction and zoom capabilities, you can adjust theprojector for optimal viewing in almost any situation. Dell offers a choice of native resolutions so you can select theprojector to match your user needs and budget.Outstanding ease of useDell Projectors are extremely easy to use. With support for a wide range of video and television input sources and videostandards, you get great presentation flexibility. Featuring automatic synchronisation, the projector detects the type ofinput and changes its settings accordingly. This plug-and-play technology makes the projectors compatible with mostcomputers, including Dell Latitude™ and Inspiron™ notebooks – just follow the simple Quick Setup guide and you’reready to go.Excellent mobility featuresDell projectors are small and light – they weigh less and are more portable than many notebook computers. They’re builtfor durability, with a sturdy magnesium-alloy casing and include a custom-fitted, hard-foam carrying case*, makingtravelling light and easy. With desktop or ceiling mount capability and front and rear projection, you can use theseprojectors just about anywhere.Perfect for work and entertainmentDell projectors have enough performance features to be your workhorse during the week and entertainment partner overthe weekend. Compliment your home entertainment system by watching movies, sporting events, viewing photos oreven playing video games on the big screen.Great value is a given – it’s from Dell!Like all Dell products, Dell projectors maximise features and performance, while being affordably priced and backed byDell service and support. Valuable extras, such as a carrying case* and remote control, are included at no extra charge.* carrying case is available as an optional extra for 5100MP projector.Dell 5100MP ProjectorDell 3400MP ProjectorDell 2400MP ProjectorDell 1200MP ProjectorVisit for more information.Dell ProjectorsPresentations made easy. Easy as