1 DATALOGIC MEMOR™484BeepFrequency: determines the frequency in Hertz of the beeper.GoodReadSound: is the beep sound emitted when the scanner reads a code.LedDuration: the length of the good-read led pulse, in milliseconds.LedPulses: the number of times the good-read led pulse is emitted when thescanner reads a code.ContinuousMode: disables the effect of the ScanTimeout parameter.KeyboardEmulation: if enabled all scanned data are transformed into keyboardevents and can therefore be displayed and saved to a file as if input from the mobilecomputer keyboard.SoftTrigger: when enabled, the laser can be turned on/off by the applicationsoftware.ScanAlwaysOn: enables the scanner for barcode reading independently from theapplication software.GreenSpotDuration: determines the duration (measured in milliseconds) of thegreen spot feedback, which provides a “good read” green dot directly on the code,where the operator usually tends to be looking.NotPrintableChar: if set to “Remove”, all not printable characters included in thescanned data are deleted and the final barcode will include only printable characters.ScanButton: enables/disables the scan button. If the scan button is disabled, thereader can be triggered under software control.