User’s Manual 173GlossaryAccess PointA device that provides transparent access between Ethernet wirednetworks and IEEE 802.11 interoperable radio-equipped mobileunits. Hand-held mobile computers, PDAs or other devices equippedwith radio cards, communicate with wired networks using AccessPoints (AP). The mobile unit (mobile computer) may roam among theAPs in the same subnet while maintaining a continuous, seamlessconnection to the wired network.ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange. A 7bit-plus-parity code representing 128 letters, numerals, punctuationmarks and control characters. It is a standard data transmissioncode in the U.S.BarcodeA pattern of variable-width bars and spaces which representsnumeric or alphanumeric data in binary form. The general format ofa barcode symbol consists of a leading margin, start character, dataor message character, check character (if any), stop character, andtrailing margin. Within this framework, each recognizablesymbology uses its own unique format.