MT-4E VHF & UHF Receiver & Transmitter Instruction ManualIM08-MT-4E-TXRX-P116251GloSSaRy oF tERMSBandwidthThe difference between the limitingfrequencies of a continuous frequency band.Typically measured in kilohertz. May beconsidered the amount in kilohertz requiredfor a single communications channel.BERBIT Error Rate.BPSBITs Per Second – a data rate measure.C4FMConstant Envelope 4-Level FrequencyModulation – an FM transmitter which usesQuadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)modulation to work with a compatiblefrequency discriminator detection (CFDD)receiver.ChannelA single unidirectional or bidirectional pathfor transmitting or receiving, or both, ofelectrical or electromagnetic signals.Channel SpacingTypically measured in kilohertz from thecenter of one channel to the center of thenext-adjacent channel. May, or may not, beidentical to bandwidth.Common Air Interface (CAI)A radio-to-radio signal path defined in termsof Access Method, Modulation Scheme,Vocoding Method, Channel Data Rate andChannel Data Format.CTCSSAbbreviation for “Continuous Tone-ControlledSquelch System.”DCSDigital Coded Squelch.DSPDigital Signal Processor – a specializedmicroprocessor.DTMFDual-Tone Multi-Frequency – a signalingscheme used by the telephone system inwhich two voice band tones are generatedfor each keypad key press.EncryptionA coding of plain text (or clear voice) intounintelligible forms for secure transmission.Error CorrectionDigital coding technique for detecting andcorrecting information transmission errors.FCCFederal Communications Commission.FirmwareSoftware that is permanently stored in ahardware device, and allows reading andexecuting, but not writing or modifying thesoftware.I/OInput / OutputISOInternational Standards OrganizationLSBLeast Significant BIT.