7QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS* Q :I accidentally ran my microwave ovenwithout any food in it. Is it damaged?* A : Running the oven empty for a short time willnot damage the oven. However, it is notrecommended.* Q :Can the oven be used with the glass trayor roller guide removed?* A : No. Both the glass tray and roller guide mustalways be used in the oven before cooking.* Q :Can I open the door when the oven isoperating?* A : The door can be opened anytime during thecooking operation. Then microwave energywill be instantly switched off and the timesetting will maintain until the door is closed.* Q :Why do I have moisture in my microwaveoven after cooking?* A : The moisture on the side of your microwaveoven is normal. It is caused by steam fromcooking food hitting the cool oven surface.* Q :Does microwave energy pass through theviewing screen in the door?* A : No. The metal screen bounces back theenergy to the oven cavity. The holes aremade to allow light to pass through. They donot let microwave energy pass through.* Q :Why do eggs sometimes pop?* A : When baking or poaching eggs, the yolkmay pop due to steam build-up inside theyolk membrane. To prevent this, simplypierce the yolk with a toothpick beforecooking. Never cook eggs without piercingtheir shells.* Q :Why this standing time recommendedafter the cooking operation has beencompleted?* A : Standing time is very important.With microwave cooking, the heat is in thefood, not in the oven. Many foods build upenough internal heat to allow the cookingprocess to continue, even after the food isremoved from the oven. Standing time forjoints of meat, large vegetables and cakes isto allow the inside to cook completely,without overcooking the outside.* Q :What does “standing time” mean?* A : “Standing time” means that food should beremoved from the oven and covered foradditional time to allow it to finish cooking.This frees the oven for other cooking.* Q :Why does my oven not always cook asfast as the microwave cooking guidesays?* A : Check your cooking guide again, to makesure you’ve followed directions exactly ; andto see what might cause variations incooking time. Cooking guide times and heatsettings are suggestions, to help preventover-cooking... the most common problem ingetting used to a microwave oven.Variations in the size, shape and weightsand dimensions could require longer cookingtime. Use your own judgement along withthe cooking guide suggestions to checkwhether the food has been properly cookedjust as you would do with a conventionalcooker.* Q :Will the microwave oven be damaged if itoperates while empty?* A : Yes. Never run it empty.* Q : Can I operate my microwave ovenwithout the turntable or turn the turntableover to hold a large dish?* A : No. If you remove or turn over the turntable,you will get poor cooking results. Dishesused in your oven must fit on the turntable.* Q : Is it normal for the turntable to turn ineither direction?* A : Yes. The turntable rotates clockwise orcounterclockwise, depending on the rotationof the motor when the cooking cycle begins.* Q : Can I pop popcorn in my microwaveoven? How do I get the best results?* A : Yes. Pop packaged microwave popcornfollowing manufacture’s guidelines. Do notuse regular paper bags. Use the “listeningtest” by stopping the oven as soon as thepopping slows to a “pop” every 1 or 2seconds. Do not repop unpopped kernels.Do not pop popcorn in glass cookware.