Installing the Vent in the CutoutNOTE: The raised vent installs in the back of the cutout,separate from the cooktop. It is installed prior to final instal-lation of the cooktop.Installing the Raised Vent1. Cut a hole in the cabinet to allow the duct work to passthrough to the floor or wall for the planned duct systemlayout. Use the dimensions on pages 3 and 8 to deter-mine the hole center line locations.Rear corner of cutout(back of raised vent)plumbed down,,,Possible Duct Hole LocationsGently slide the vent into the rear of the countertop cut-out with the electrical access panel toward the front.Adjust the anchoring leg height so that the end capsare gently resting on the counter, then tighten the hexnuts.Secure the anchoring legs to the cabinet floor with thesupplied wood screws.Top of vent restingon countertopAnchor leg\iIFloorFront of raisedvent(shown configuredfor use with ILHSFor REMP seriesblower)Jt tiElectrical access)anelILHSF or REMP Series Blower InstallationIf using a ILHSF or REMP series blower, install it accordingto the blower installation instructions.Cabinet Blower InstallationIf using cabinet blower (model CABP3):1. Locate the foam tape supplied with the raised vent.Place the blower on the floor in the orientation it will bemounted on the front of the raised vent. Peel the back-ing off the tape and attach it to the right and left flangesof the blower base plate.,,Remove and retain the three (3) wing nuts from the topretainer bracket on the front of the unit. Remove thebracket.Slide the bottom flange of the blower base plate intothe bottom of the retaining bracket with the blowerexhaust in the desired orientation.,,Cover the opening on the front of the unit by pushingthe blower against it. Make sure that the foam tape onboth sides of the base plate creates a good seal on theright and left side of the opening. Center the blowerbase plate horizontally over the opening on the front ofthe raised vent. IMPORTANT: To prevent interferencewith the internal moving parts, make sure the blowerassembly is properly centered over the opening.Reinstall the top vent retainer bracket over the blowerbase plate flange. Secure it in place with the three (3)wing nuts removed in step 2.Top retainerbracketoAttach foamto right/leftflangesBottom retainerbracketCabinet Blower InstallationInsert bottomflange intobottomretainerbracketctacor 11