17Find the temporary mounting bracket in the shipping3.box. Put the bracket against the wall and line up thecenter hole with the intersection of the bracket centerlines on the wall. Make sure the anchors and/or screwsused are strong enough to support the hood. Makesure drywall installations are properly reinforced.Mark the two mounting hole positions through the holes4.in the bracket. Drill the pilot holes for the screws oranchors and attach the brackets securely to the wall.Installation Instructions12” high models with rear exhaust:Center the transition over the duct collars while resting theunmodified edge on the top of the hood. Fasten in placeusing sheet metal screws (not included). Seal the base ofof the transition with duct tape.Mounting Bracket InstallationDraw the horizontal center line for the temporary1.mounting brackets on the wall. The center line for thebrackets is 2 1/8” (54 cm) below where the top of thehood will be located. The horizontal line marks the cen-ter line of the mounting screws that hold the temporarymounting brackets in place. iMportAnt: Installing thebrackets lower or higher than the center line shown willcause alignment problems during final installation.Draw the two (2) vertical center lines for the brackets2.on the wall. They are located on both sides of the hoodcenter line drawn on the wall before making the ductcut-out. The distance from the center line depends onthe model. See the chart below.teMporArY BrAcket center line distAnceModels fEH3012, EH3018, MH3012, MH3018 12 3/8” (31.4 cm)EH3612, EH3618, MH3612, MH3618 15 3/8” (39.1 cm)EH4212, EH4218 18 3/8” (46.7 cm)EH4812, EH4818, MH4812, MH4818 21 3/8” (54.3 cm)EH5418 24 3/8” (61.9 cm)2 1/8”BracketlocationBracketlocationHoodlocationF FReinforceddrywall