17WARNINGTip Over HazardRefrigerator is top heavy and tips easily when notcompletely installed.Keep doors taped closed until refrigerator iscompletely installed.Use two or more people to move and installrefrigerator.Failure to do so can result in death or serious injury.Continue adjusting all of the leveling legs to raise the3.refrigerator until the top is within at least 1” (2.5 cm) of the topsoffit.NOTE: If an anti-tip board has been used, adjust the levelinglegs until the top of the refrigerator is within ¼” (6.4 mm) ofthe bottom of the anti-tip board as shown. Do not crush thecompressor cover.IMPORTANT: Adjust in small increments to keep fromdamaging the cabinet trim and causing problems with thedoor alignment or top grille fit. To avoid damage to the cabinetor leveling legs, do not apply more than 50 inch-pounds (5.7Nm) of torque to the leveling bolts. The leveling legs can beextended to a maximum of 1¼” (3.2 cm) below the rollers.For IF series models, additional adjustments may be needed4.after the custom panels are installed.Level and Align RefrigeratorIMPORTANT: All four leveling legs must contact the floor tosupport and stabilize the full weight of refrigerator. Rollers are formoving refrigerator and not for permanent support.After moving the refrigerator to its final location:Use a1. 5⁄16 ” socket driver to turn the leveling bolts clockwise toextend the legs to the floor as shown. The rollers should be offthe floor.Adjust the leveling legs to level and align the refrigerator from2.left to right and front to back so that the refrigerator is leveland aligned with the cabinetry. The cabinetry surface must beplumb for the ideal fit of the refrigerator side trim.Installation InstructionsA. Rear leveling boltB. Front leveling boltA B ABA. Center board 1/4” (6.4 mm) max. above refrigeratorB. Two 2” x 4” x 32” (5.\ cm x 10 cm x 81 cm) boardsC. Attach to studs with six #8 x 3” (7.6 cm) screwsD. Compressor cover2” (5 cm)A BCD