120D-Link DNR-4020-16P User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationEnable DHCPClientIP AddressSubnet MaskDefaultGatewayObtain DNSAutomaticallyPreferred DNSServerAlternate DNSServerSelect this connection if you have a DHCP server runningon your network and would like a dynamic IP address to beautomatically updated to your NVR.You may obtain a static or fixed IP address and other networkinformation from your network administrator. A static IP addresswill simplify access to your NVR in the future.Enter the fixed IP address of the NVR. This is used to access theweb interface. If the NVR does not receive its address from aDHCP server, then its default IP address is will be this to match the subnet mask of the provided IP address.The default value is this to the default gateway on your router or local subnet forproper network routing.Toggle this to enable DNS automatically.Primary domain name server that translates names to IP addresses.Secondary domain name server to back up the primary domainname serverNetworkNetworkIP AddressThis page lets you configure the NVR’s connection to the Internet or local network.