GO-DSL-N150HiGH-SpeeD Secure WireLeSS iNterNet AcceSSWireless N 150 ADsl routerHiGH-sPeeD ADsl2/2+Latest ADSL2/2+ standards provideinternet transmission of up to 24 Mbpsdownstream, 1 Mbps upstreamtotAl CoMPAtiBilitYWorks with all major internet serviceproviders, supports upnp, easilyinstallable by home and ofice usersAll-iN-oNe solutioNBuilt-in ADSL interface, high-speed wireless LAN, 4-portethernet switch, QoS, and firewall protection,all in one single deviceuLtiMAte iNterNet cONNectiONthe GO-DSL-N150 Wireless N 150 ADSL router is an affordable high-performance ADSL router for homes and small offices. this router features integratedADSL2/2+ supporting download speeds of up to 24 Mbps, a high-speed wireless interface, firewall protection, Quality of Service (QoS), and a 4-port switch, allthe essentials that a home or small ofice needs to establish a secure and high-speed remote link to the outside world.HiGH-SpeeD WireD & WireLeSS LAN cONNectiONthe GO-DSL-N150 router provides an integrated WLAN interface that supports high wireless speeds and interoperability with 802.11g/b wireless devices on the2.4 GHz frequency band. it also provides four 10/100 Mbps ethernet switch ports to connect computers. these built-in functions save you the cost and troubleof installing a separate wireless access point and an ethernet switch.FireWALL prOtectiON & QOSSecurity features prevent unauthorized access to your home or office network from internet intruders. the router provides firewall security using Statefulpacket inspection (Spi) and Denial of Service (DoS) attack protection. Spi inspects the contents of all incoming packet headers before deciding whatpackets are allowed to pass through. router access control is provided with packet filtering based on port and source/destination MAc/ip addresses. ForQuality of Service (QoS), the router supports multiple priority queues to enable a group of home or office users to experience the benefit of a smooth networkconnection of inbound and outbound data without worrying about traffic congestion. this QoS support allows users to enjoy high-speed ADSL transmission forapplications such as Voip, streaming multimedia, and online games over the internet.