30D-Link DWR-922 User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationSelect either Firewall, DDoS & SPI, or MAC Filter to bring up therelevant settings for that security typeSecurity:SecurityThis page allows you to configure your firewall, DDoS, SPI, and MAC filter settings.FirewallTo configure a new firewall interface, first enter a Name, andspecify the Interface, Type, and the Default Action. Click Applyto save the new interface.To configure the firewall rules, you must have first configureda firewall interface (see above). Select an interface you haveconfigured from the drop-down menu. You can select whetherthe rule is Enabled or Disabled, to temporarily turn it on or offwithout removing it entirely.Next, fill out the source and destination IP and port information,and select the Protocol and Action. Selecting an action willoverride the default action set in the firewall interface.Click Apply to save the rule.FirewallInterface:Firewall Rules:The Firewall option allows you to configure the DWR-922’s firewall, and allow ordeny access to your network over specific ports and addresses.