DWC-1000 Wireless Controllerfundamental wireless security features including WEP, WPA Personal/Enterprise, WPA2Personal/Enterprise, and MAC Authentication to determine the identity of wirelessdevices, the Captive Portal feature allows you to block clients from accessing the networkuntil the clients verify their identities. This double-layer authentication and authorizationprovides a robust security fence to also protect against attacks from within the network.High Scalability, Availability, and FlexibilityCompanies frequently change in terms of size and organizational structure. To addresssuch changing needs, the DWC-1000 offers a new dimension in feature selections:administrators can purchase Business Wireless Plus licenses to upgrade the DWC-1000’scapabilities. D-Link offers two types of Business Wireless Plus licensed: an AP licenseupgrade and a VPN license upgrade.The AP license upgrade increases the number of manageable access points. TheDWC-1000 Wireless Controller manages up to six access points by default. After addingAP license upgrades, it can manage up to 24 access points per controller.The VPN license upgrade enables the DWC-1000 to provide VPN, Router, and Firewallfunctionality. The firewall function allows administrators to control network access bysetting classification policies. The dual Option ports provide link failover and provideInternet connection redundancy to ensure Internet access. The virtual private network(VPN) features provide secure remote control to manage access points in branchoffices. Site-to-site VPN tunnels can use the IP Security (IPSec) Protocol, Point-to-PointTunneling Protocol (PPTP), or Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) to facilitate branchoffice connectivity through encrypted virtual links. In addition, the Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) VPN tunnels empower your mobile users by providing remote access to a centralcorporate database.Simplified ManagementCentralized remote control of managed access points provide a simple way toautomatically discover compatible D-Link Wireless Access Points, add them to themanaged access point list, and configure them with one-time configuration dispatchsettings. With the controller Peer Group feature, the administrator can easily log into onewireless controller and perform essential configurations on others within the group. Thereal-time monitoring of access points and associated client stations enable the efficientutilization of network resources. System alarms and statistics reports on managedaccess points also help the administrator use the DWC-1000 to manage, control, andoptimize network performance.Network Implementation within L2/L3 Network in an SMB EnvironmentRemotely Managed AP Implementation(VPN/Router/Firewall license upgrade required)