DVX-1000 User ManualD-Link Confidential 4920.2 Remote Office ConnectivityIn certain corporate scenarios VoIP connectivity is required across locations(branch offices) and users need the capability to make and receive callsindependent of their home networks. These scenarios can be handled effectivelyby interlinking multiple DVX’s. A sample scenario is explained below.20.2.1 Sample deployment scenarioIn the sample deployment scenario shown above, DVX1 and DVX2 are installed in‘Office 1’ and DVX3 and DVX4 are installed in ‘Office 2’. DVX1 has extensions 100to 199, DVX2 has extensions 200 to 299, DVX3 has extensions 300 to 399 andDVX4 has extensions 400 to 499.The following are the requirements for the scenario.1. Any extension registered to DVX1 (100 - 199) should be able to call any other extensionregistered to DVX1, DVX2 (200 - 299), DVX3 (300 - 399) or DVX4 (400 - 499) by dialing theextension number. i.e. 101 should be able to call 401 by dialing 401.2. Any extension registered to DVX2 (200 - 299) should be able to call any other extensionregistered to DVX1 (100-199), DVX2, DVX3 (300 - 399) or DVX4 (400 - 499) by dialing theextension number. i.e. 201 should be able to call 401 by dialing 401.3. Any extension registered to DVX3 (300 - 399) should be able to call any other extensionregistered to DVX1 (100 - 199), DVX2 (200 - 299), DVX3 or DVX4 (400 - 499) by dialing theextension number. i.e. 101 should be able to call 401 by dialing 401.4. Any extension registered to DVX4 (400 - 499) should be able to call any other extensionregistered to DVX1 (100 - 199), DVX2 (200 - 299), DVX3 (300 - 399) or DVX4 by dialing theextension number. i.e. 101 should be able to call 401 by dialing 401.This scenario requires that the routers used to connect the offices to the internethave virtual server configurations. Virtual server configuration is also called portforwarding on some routers. Generally, a virtual server is configured byforwarding a port on the external (WAN) interface of the router to an IP and portOffice 1 Office 2InternetWAN: GatewayRoute - 801101 102 201 202301 302 401 402100Operator300OperatorDVX1: 160VM: 150DVX2: 260VM: 250DVX3: 360VM: 350DVX4: 460VM: 450203103303 403204104304404HomePSTN GatewayRoute 801RouterRouterExternal SIPServers WAN: RouterPSTNPSTN