DVG-5004S User’s Manual VoIP Gateway ConfigurationD-Link Systems, Inc. 683-5 SNMP managementDVG support SNMP V1, V2 and V3. Please enter required parameter for SNMP V3.If the MIB browser supports SNMP V1 and V2 only, please refer to following configuration:Example for SNMP V2 configuration:Some keys configured on MIB browser:Get Community: publicSet Community: privateTrap Community: publicz Enable [SNMP Management-> SNMP-> Enable SNMP Agent]z Set [SNMP Management-> SNMP View-> View Name] as “all”.z Set [SNMP Management-> SNMP View-> View Name] as “.1”z Set [SNMP Management-> SNMP Community-> Community Name] for public and private.z Select a configured View Name.