QIG for Setup Wizard of DSL-G604T Page 1 of 6 03 Sept 2004Quick Installation Guide (QIG) for Setup Wizard of DSL-G604T (040903)(for Users in Thailand ONLY)1. This quick installation guide is applicable to DSL-G604T with firmware version ofV1.00B02T02.EU.20040818 or higher, which includes Setup Wizard for ADSLinstallation.(Refer to Appendix A on [How to identify the firmware version of DSL-G604T])DSL-G604T is a 3-in1 802.11g 54Mbps wireless ADSL router, which has a built-inADSL modem. DSL-G604T has integrated 802.11g wireless access point and a four-port(10/100Mbps) switch. Without additional equipment, DSL-G604T allows all of thewired & wireless computers in your home or office network to access the broadbandinternet at the same time via a single ADSL telephone line.Follow the steps below to configure DSL-G604T.2. Configure your PC to “Obtain an IP Address Automatically” from DSL-G604T,which is pre-configured as DHCP server. Connect you PC to DSL-G604T Ethernet portas shown in Figure 1.Click Network connection icon at the bottom right hand corner of Microsoft WindowsXP & follow the steps from [i] to [vi]. Once it is completed, the computer is configuredas DHCP client, which will obtain an IP address from DSL-G604T automatically.UTP StraightCableigure 1DSL-G604TRJ-11 Telephone CableTo TelephoneWall SocketStep i Step iiStep iiiStep ivStep vStep viMicro-Filter