38D-Link DNS-323 User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationPortPassive ModeClient LanguageFlow ControlSSL/TLSFTP Access ListFTP ServerStatusSets the FTP port. Default is 21.This allows the client to initiate the connection and the FTP server to randomly open ports for transferring data.Use the default port range (55536-55663)• - Click the radio button to open this range of ports for FTP clients toconnect.Use the following port range:• - Click the radio button and enter a range of ports for FTP clients to connect.Report external IP in Passive mode• - Select the check box and enter the IP address of the Router.Most standard FTP clients like Windows FTP, only support Western European codepage when transferring files. Supporthas been added for non standard FTP clients that are capable of supporting these character sets.Allows you to limit the amount of bandwidth available for each user.Select the check box that only allows SSL/TLS connection.The FTP access for users and groups that has beencreated in the FTP Account Settings section can beedited and deleted here. To modify a FTP rule, clickthe corresponding icon. To delete a FTP rule,click the corresponding icon.Displays the current status of the FTP Server. Clickthe Start/Stop FTP server to enable or disable theFTP server.In order to use FXP (File Exchange Protocol) forserver-to-server data transfer, please make sureto change the port from 21 to some other port aslisted in the Port section of the web UI. Also, pleasemake sure to open the corresponding port on yourrouter and forward that port from your router to theDNS-323.