63D-Link DNR-322L User ManualSection 5 - ApplicationsInsert the CD, go to the CD directory, then enter the Mac Utility folder. Click the NVR Search Utility file to run this useful setup tool.When first powered on, during the initial boot sequence the device will wait to be assigned an IP address via DHCP. If it does notreceive a DHCP-assigned IP address the Auto-IP process will assign a 169.254.xxx.xxx address to the device. If you want to changethe IP address before logging in or are unable to connect to the NVR IP address, you can use the NVR Search Utility provided on theproduct CD to locate the device on your network and make any needed changes.D-Link NVR Search Utility - MacNetworkVideoRecorder:The D-Link NVR Search Utility displays any NVR devices it detects on thenetwork.Refresh: Click to refresh the device list.Configuration: Click Configuration to access the Web-based configuration of the NVR.LAN: Configure the LAN Settings for the NVR.ReceiveDHCP:Select Enable to use DHCP for your LAN IP settings, or Disable to usestatic IP.Apply: Click Apply to save and activate the changes to the LAN Settings.About: Click About to view the software version of the NVR Search Utility.Exit: Click Exit to close the utility.Select the device from the list and click Configuration. This will launch the computer’s default web browser and direct it to the IPaddress listed for the device. Make sure the browser is not configured to use a proxy server.Note: The computer used to access the remote backup application must be on the same subnet as the NVR. If your network is using a DHCPserver and the computer receives IP settings from the DHCP server, the NVR will automatically be in the same subnet.