Switch 1: Fiber mode switchWhen the switch was turned to “On”, it means that the fiber wasturned to forced mode, and “Off” for auto-negotiation mode.Note: be sure the opposite end is using the same setting (Forced orAuto-negotiation). And when using two converters at the same time,the two converters MUST set to forced mode.Switch 2: LLRWhen the switch was turned to “On”, it means that the LLR wasenabled and “Off” for disabled.Note: When using two converters, don’t enable the both devices’ LLRfunction at the same time.INSTALLING IN A CHASSISThe Converter can be fit into any of the expansion slots on DMC-1000chassis.First, install the converter onto a carrier supplied with the chassis:Step 1. Unscrew and pull out the media converter board.Step 2. Plug in the media board to any of the vacant slots.Step 3. Fit the converter onto the carrier and use the screw to secureit.4Unscrew and pull out the mediaconverter board