29D-Lnk DHA-130 User ManualSecton 3 - Gettng StartedUsing call logsYou can revew calls made to and from your DHA-130 Cordless Internet Phone by checkng the call logs. Press theleft soft key to enter the MENU, then select CALL LOG.Here, you can check MISSED calls, DIALED calls, or RECEIVED calls, or you can clear one of these logs by selectngCLEAR LOG and selectng whch call log you want to delete. From the man screen, you can also go drectly to theMISSED call log by pressng left on the drectonal keypad, and you can go drectly to the DIALED call log by pressngrght on the drectonal keypad.When vewng a call log, you can press the left soft key to vew further DETAILS about the call. Ths lets you see thetme and date of the call, and you can press the left soft key agan to open the OPTIONS menu, whch lets you SAVEthe number to a new entry n your handset phonebook, or DELETE ths nformaton from the call log.