• highschoolessays.org• www.learn-at-home.comCategory 27: AdvertisingA web site may be classified under the Advertising category if its main focus includes providingadvertising related information or services. Examples might be:• www.admessages.com• www.tripleclick.comCategory 28: Drugs/AlcoholA web site may be classified under the Drugs/Alcohol category if its content includes drug andalcohol related information or services. Some URLs categorized under this category may also becategorized under the Health category. Examples might be:• www.the-cocktail-guide.com• www.stiffdrinks.comCategory 29: Computing/ITA web site may be classified under the Computing/IT category if its content includes computingrelated information or services. Examples might be:• www.purplehat.com• www.gnu.orgCategory 30: Swimsuit/Lingerie/ModelsA web site may be categorized under the Swimsuit/Lingerie/Models category if its content includesinformation pertaining to, or images of swimsuit, lingerie or general fashion models. Examplesmight be:• www.vickys-secret.com• sportspictured.cnn.com/features/2002/swimsuitCategory 31: SpamA web site may be classified under the Spam category if it is found to be contained in bulk or spamemails. Examples might be:• kaqsovdij.gjibhgk.info• www.pleaseupdateyourdetails.com6.3.4. Dynamic Web Content Filtering Chapter 6. Security Mechanisms311