9.5. Interface Groups 659.5 Interface GroupsSimilar to logical object group, multiple interfaces can be grouped togetherin the firewall to apply to a common policy. An interface group can consistof regular Ethernet interfaces, VLAN interfaces, or VPN Tunnels (see 22).All members of an interface group do not need to be interfaces of the sametype. This means that an interface group can be built from, for instance,two Ethernet interfaces and four VLAN interfaces.Example: An Interface Group ExampleThis example describes how to configure an interface group object.WebUI :• Create Interface GroupInterfaces − > Interface Groups − > Add − > InterfaceGroup:Enter the following:Name: testifgroupSecurity/Transport Equivalent: If enabled, the interface groupcan be used as a destination interface in rules where connections mightneed to be moved between the interfaces. Examples of such usage canbe Route Fail-Over and OSPF (see 10.3.3) scenarios.Interfaces: Select the interfaces that should be a part of the group.Then click OK• Use the Interface GroupAn interface group can be used in various object configurations.For example, IP rules and user authentication rules can use interfacegroups.D-Link Firewalls User’s Guide