10BASE-T Stackable HubsCCB OOT C ONFIGURATIONF ILEThe master hubs in the series support a powerful configuration file whichallows many of the hub stack’s configuration parameters to be stored on acentralized server. When the master hub starts up, it can be configured toread its configuration file from the server using the TFTP protocol. This canmake it easier to manage a large number of hub stacks, since all of theconfiguration parameters for all of the hubs can be managed in a single place.The configuration file is a text file, usually stored on the server with a .CFGextension. It can be up to 10 kilobytes long. Lines beginning with # areconsidered comments which are ignored by the hub. All other lines arecommands, which are interpreted by the master hub.The configuration file commands accepted by the hub are:♦ sysdescr stringTakes string as the System Name, corresponding to the SNMP MIB IIvariable system.sysName. This field is used to give a name to thehub for administrative purposes. The hub’s fully qualified domain nameis often used, provided a name has been assigned. The string can be up to64 characters long.♦ syscontact stringTakes string as the System Contact, corresponding to the SNMP MIB IIvariable sysContact. This field is used to give the name andBoot Configuration File C-1