15D-Link DCS-8330LH User ManualSection 3 - mydlink1 Device Photo Tap to add a customized photo of this device.2 Device Name Tap to change the device’s name.3 Device Location Tap to change or add a new location for this device.4 Wi-FiTap to change the wireless network this device will use to connectto the Internet.Note: The network must be the same as all your other mydlinkdevices that you wish to use the same account for.5 Designated Contact Tap to add, remove, or edit designated contacts that appear in therich notification.6 CameraMicrophone Tap to enable or disable the device's microphone.7 Moving ObjectDetectionTap to configure your settings for Multi-Zone Motion Detection,Boundary-Crossing Detection and Priority Zone.8 Night Vision Tap to change night vision detection to On, Off or Auto.9 Anti-Flicker Reduces flicker in the video. Tap 50Hz or 60Hz depending on thefrequency of your lights.10 Enable Camera LED Disabling this will turn off the LED until you turn it back on.11 Privacy Mode Tap to enable Privacy Mode. Privacy mode will disable the camerafeed.12 Invert Image Enable this to invert the camera view.13 StorageTap to change video clips storage location from the microSD card tothe cloud. You can also subscribe to mydlink Cloud from here andview your current subscription plan.14 Firmware UpdateShows time of auto firmware upgrade. Tap to enter the firmwareupgrade settings. You can choose the most suitable time forautomatic updates.15 Current FirmwareVersion This displays the installed version of the firmware on your device.16 Device ID Identifies the device for support issues.17 Remove Device Tap this button to disconnect this device from your mydlink account.1234567891011121314151716