42D-Link DCS-7000L User ManualSection 4: ConfigurationMotion DetectionEnabling Video Motion will allow your camera to use the motion detection feature.You may define a motion area that will be used for monitoring. After making anychanges, click the Save Settings button to save your changes.Enable VideoMotion:Sensitivity:Percentage:Draw MotionArea:Erase MotionArea:Select this box to enable the motion detection feature of yourcamera.Specifies the measurable difference between two sequentialimages that would indicate motion. Please enter a value between0 and 100.Specifies the amount of motion in the window being monitoredthat is required to initiate an alert. If this is set to 100%, motion isdetected within the whole window will trigger a snapshot.Draw the motion detection area by dragging your mouse in thewindow (indicated by the red square).To erase a motion detection area, simply click on the red squarethat you wish to remove.Right clicking on the camera image brings up the followingmenu options:Select All: Draws a motion detection area over the entire screen.Clear All: Clears any motion detection areas that have beendrawn.Restore: Restores the previously specified motion detectionareas.