26D-Link D-ViewCam User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationAutomatic Recycle: The system will automatically delete out-of-date data to save storage space.• Recycle when disk space is less than: Select and enter the available space (in MBs). When the defaultfolder available space falls below the entered about, the system will begin to store data to the next folderin the location list. If all the status of locations exceeds the storage rule, the system will start recyclingin an hour progress.• Only keep video for: Delete the video records that are older than the number of days set. If the defaultstorage spaces exhausted (disc space is less than 1200MB), the system will start to recycle by hourlyperiod.• Log Recycling: Click to set the days that you want to keep specific event logs or keep all event logswithin interval of video files.1. Event Log: Delete the event log data that is older than the number of days set.2. System Log: Delete the system log data that is older than the number of days set.StorageNew Click to add a new location. Click the ... button to browse to a folder.Click OK to save the location.Delete Highlight a location and then click the Delete button to remove it.Move Item Up Highlight a location and click the Move Item Up button to move thelocation higher in the list.Move Item Down Highlight a location and click the Move Item Down button to movethe location lower in the list.Location:Assign the default folder for the system to store data files. It is recommend not to save in the systemdrive (I.E. C:\) to avoid PC efficiency drop when free storage is low.