- 1 -Manual to install the firmwareFor DAP-2230 Rev.A, DAP-2310 Rev.B, DAP-2360 Rev.B, DAP-2610 Rev.A,DAP-2660 Rev.A, DAP-2680 Rev.A, DAP-2695 Rev.A and DAP-3662 Rev.AImportant:After the firmware upgrade the DAP can’t be used in a Central Wi-Fi Manager (CWM)System or in an AP-Array System.You would need to install the „not-NC-firmware“ into your DAP again.See the attached manual“Manual for Downgrade from Nuclias Connect Firmware.pdf”Recommendation:Connect the DAP and the PC, with it you make the firmware upgrade, with a LAN cablewith your network, there is also the DHCP server available.For the installation of the firmware please follow this.1. Get access to the setup of your DAP via web browser.The default address is or when you already implemented the DAPinto your network please call the IP-address this you configured into you DAP or this theDAP got from the DHCP server in you network.2. By default the setup has no password.At User name enter admin and then click onto Login.Note:Did you set an Admin-Password please enter this.Do you don’t know the Admin-Password anymore you must reset the DAP to factorydefaults (Factory Reset).For this press the Reset button of the running DAP for example with a paperclip or pencilfor 5-10 seconds.