28D-Link DAP-1520 User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationExtended Wi-Fi SettingsThis page lets you configure the settings for the DAP-1520’s extended wireless network. To access this page, point to theSettings drop-down menu at the top of the page, and select Extended Wi-Fi. Click Save to save the settings and return to thehome page.This is the name of the DAP-1520’s extended network.The DAP-1520 will rebroadcast the uplink router’s Internetconnection under this SSID. You can also choose to makethe SSID for the extended network the same as the SSID forthe uplink network.Select the type of wireless security you wish to use for theextended network. Choose None, WEP, or WPA/WPA2Personal.Enter the password or network key that you wish to use forthe extended network.Wi-Fi Name(SSID):Security:Password:2.4 GHz5 GHzEnter the SSID for the extended 5 GHz network here.Select the type of wireless security you wish to use for theextended 5 GHz network. Choose None, WEP, or WPA/WPA2 Personal.Enter the password or network key that you wish to use forthe extended 5 GHz network.Wi-Fi Name(SSID):Security:Password: