47D-Link DAP-1330 User ManualSection 4 - Connecting a Wireless ClientWindows Vista®Windows Vista® users may use the built-in wireless utility. If you are using another company’s utility or Windows® 2000, please referto the user manual of your wireless adapter for help with connecting to a wireless network. Most utilities will have a “site survey”option similar to the Windows Vista® utility as seen below.Right-click on the wireless computer icon in your system tray (lower-right corner next to the time). Select Connect to a network.If you receive the “Wireless Networks Are Available” bubble, click on thecenter of the bubble to access the utility.orThe utility will display any available wireless networks in your area. Clickon a network (displayed using the SSID) and click Connect.If you get a good signal but cannot access the Internet, check the TCP/IP settings for your wireless adapter. Refer to “Troubleshooting” on page50 for more information.