32D-Link COVR-1102 User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationAdvanced Settings - Address Autoconfiguration SettingsEnable AutomaticIPv6 AddressAssignment:Enable or disable the Automatic IPv6 Address Assignment feature.Enabling this feature presents additional configuration options.Enable AutomaticDHCP-PD in LAN:Enable or disable DHCP-PD for other IPv6 routers connected to theLAN interface. This option is only available if Enable DHCP-PD isenabled.Note: This feature requires a smaller subnet prefix than /64 (i.e. allowingfor a larger address allocation), such as /63. Contact your ISP for moreinformation.AutoconfigurationType:Select SLAAC+RDNSS, SLAAC+Stateless DHCP, or Stateful DHCPv6.If you selected SLAAC+RDNSS or SLAAC+Stateless DHCP as the Autoconfiguration Type:RouterAdvertisementLifetime:Enter the router advertisement lifetime (in minutes).If you selected Stateful DHCPv6 as the Autoconfiguration Type:IPv6 AddressRange (Start):Enter the starting IPv6 address for the DHCP server’s IPv6 assignment.IPv6 AddressRange (End):Enter the ending IPv6 address for the DHCP server’s IPv6 assignment.IPv6 AddressLifetime:If Enable DHCP-PD is disabled, enter the IPv6 address lifetime (inminutes).Click Save when you are done.Auto Configuration (SLAAC/DHCPv6) (Continued)