108D-Link DIR-819 User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationDynamic DNSDYNAMIC DNSDYNAMIC DNSDIR-819 TOOLSClick Dynamic DNS on the navigation menu to configure the Dynamic Domain Name Server(DDNS) client. DDNS makes accessing your network from the Internet easier by providingyou with an easy to use web address. Owners of D-Link routers can use the dlinkdns service.Enable DynamicDNS:Enable or disable the Dynamic DNS feature.If you enabled Dynamic DNS, configure the following settings:Server Address: Enter the IP address of your DDNS provider. Use the Select DynamicDNS Server dropdown menu and the << button to quickly select adevice. The IP address is automatically populated.Host Name: Enter the host name that you registered with your DDNS serviceprovider.Username: Enter your DDNS username.Password: Enter your DDNS password.Verify Password: Enter your DDNS password one more time.Timeout: Enter a timeout time (in hours) before the DDNS information isautomatically updated.Status: The current status of your DDNS service is displayed here.Click the Save Settings button when you are finished.DYNAMIC DNS SETTINGSDYNAMIC DNSThe Dynamic DNS feature allows you to host a server (Web, FTP, Game Server, etc...) using a domain name that you have purchased(www.whateveryournameis.com) with your dynamically assigned IP address. Most broadband Internet Service Providers assigndynamic (changing) IP addresses. Using a DDNS service provider, your friends can enter your host name to connect to your gameserver no matter what your IP address is.Save Settings Don’t Save SettingsDYNAMIC DNS SETTINGSEnable Dynamic DNS : ☑Server Address : << Select Dynamic DNS Server ▼Host Name :Username :Password : ···Verify Password : ···Timeout : 576 (Times)Status : DisconnectedSave Settings Don’t Save Settings