23D-Link DWR-118 User ManualSection 4 - ConfigurationWi-Fi Settings%JTQMBZTUIFXJSFMFTTCBOEDVSSFOUMZCFJOHDPOöHVSFECheck the box to enable the router’s wireless functionality.Create a name for your wireless network using up to 32 characters.Select the desired wireless networking standards to use. Theavailable options will depend on the wireless frequency band, aswell as the currently selected security mode.Check the box to automatically scan for an appropriate channel.*G"VUP$IBOOFM4DBOJTEJTBCMFE TFMFDUUIFEFTJSFEDIBOOFMIFSFA higher channel width allows for faster data transmission, at thepossible expense of wireless coverage and compatibility witholder wireless clients. Select the optimum channel width for yourwireless network from the drop-down menu.The default setting is Visible. Select Invisible if you do not wantUPCSPBEDBTUUIF44*%PGZPVSXJSFMFTTOFUXPSLSelect your security mode, and refer to the next page for details.Wireless Band:Enable Wireless:Wireless NetworkName:802.11 Mode:Enable AutoChannel Scan:Wireless Channel:Channel Width:Visibility Status:Security Mode:0OUIJTQBHFZPVDBODPOöHVSFZPVSXJSFMFTTTFUUJOHT